2. Installation & Configuration

You can either use glusterfs-volume-plugin as a docker engine managed plugin or a legacy plugin.

In short, plugins managed by the docker engine are special containers which are started before any containers are started. They are be managed via the docker plugin command.


It is strongly recommended to use the docker managed plugin.

Legacy plugins are processes which need to be managed by the system administrator.

2.1. Docker managed plugin


The docker managed plugins are available as of docker 1.13

2.1.1. Install the plugin

The installation is pretty straightforward.

$ docker plugin install mwmahlberg/glusterfs-volume-plugin
Plugin "mwmahlberg/glusterfs-volume-plugin" is requesting the following privileges:
 - network: [host]
 - mount: [/etc/resolv.conf]
 - device: [/dev/fuse]
 - capabilities: [CAP_SYS_ADMIN]
Do you grant the above permissions? [y/N]

Press y and <Enter>.

Trying to pull repository docker.io/mwmahlberg/glusterfs-volume-plugin ...
latest: Pulling from docker.io/mwmahlberg/glusterfs-volume-plugin
28d15fbb676f: Download complete
Digest: sha256:386ce0d6b514a74e10a8f891f5dca8d247a46b150909b25c95ba6e330d034b18
Status: Downloaded newer image for docker.io/mwmahlberg/glusterfs-volume-plugin:latest
Installed plugin mwmahlberg/glusterfs-volume-plugin


The sha256 hashes you may see can vary, depending on the current version of the plugin.

Now that the plugin is installed, we should configure it.

2.1.2. Configure the plugin

Name default value meaning
GFSP_HOSTS Comma separated list of trusted pool members to connect to
GFSP_DEBUG false Log debug information
$ docker plugin set mwmahlberg/glusterfs-volume-plugin GFSP_HOSTS=",my-glusterd-host"

2.1.3. Activate the plugin

$ docker plugin enable mwmahlberg/glusterfs-volume-plugin

2.2. Legacy plugin


Installation instructions are only provided for systemd-based GNU/Linux systems. Please feel free to open a pull request if you can provide instructions for upstart / SYSV / openrc systems.

2.2.1. Install the legacy plugin

$ cd /tmp
$ curl -L https://bitbucket.org/mwmahlberg/glusterfs-volume-plugin/downloads/glusterfs-volume-plugin-master.tar.gz | tar -xvzf -
$ intall -m 0640 contrib/systemd/* /etc/systemd/system/
$ install -m 0750 -o root -g root glusterfs-volume-plugin /usr/local/sbin/
$ systemctl daemon-reload

2.2.2. Configure the legacy plugin

Create an overide.conf for the glusterfs-volume-plugin.service:

$ systemctl edit glusterfs-volume-plugin.service

And editor will open. Please edit the contents according to the example below and save.


Now we can activate the legacy plugin.

2.2.3. Activate the legacy plugin

$ systemctl enable glusterfs-volume-plugin.service
$ systemctl enable glusterfs-volume-plugin.socket
$ systemctl start glusterfs-volume-plugin.socket
$ systemctl restart docker